Department of Biological Sciences

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4479
(248) 370-3550
fax: (248) 370-4225


A head shot of 局域网江

322 DH
(248) 370-3552
Lab location: 321 DH, 323 DH
Lab phone: (248) 370-3549 


BIO 3130 Developmental Biology
BIO 3210 Biology of the Cell
BIO 3400遗传学

研究 : Mechanisms of biological tube formation in 果蝇 气管l system

Biological tube formation is a 发展al process required for the formation of the respiratory, vascular and glandular systems of the body. Defects in tube formation result in numerous human diseases including polycystic kidney disease, atherosclerotic heart disease and cancer. 的 果蝇 气管 system is a complex interconnected tubular network that delivers oxygen to every cell of the body. It is an excellent model system to study the molecular basis of cell migration, 细胞识别, cell adhesion and branch fusion during tube formation. Dr. 姜。's work is focused on studying the regulation of 气管l gene expression and how 气管l-expressed genes control the complex cellular behaviors that result in the formation of a continuous tubular network. Current projects in her lab focus on 1) using molecular biology techniques to determine minimal regulatory regions of 气管l-expressed genes to identify potential direct regulators, 2) using expression profiling and cell-separation techniques to isolate 气管l cells and examine gene expression changes at different 发展al time-points, 3) using genetics to understand the role that 气管l genes play during the 发展 and function of the 气管l system.

Selected Publications:

肖勒*,., M.J. O ' brien *, R.R. 钱德兰*和L. 姜。. (2019). 的 novel gene apnoia regulates 果蝇 气管l tube size. Developmental Dynamics 248(6): 477-487. DOI: 10.1002 / dvdy.29.

Chandran * R.R., A. 肖勒* Y. 杨和L. 姜。. (2018). rebuff regulates apical luminal matrix to control tube size in 果蝇 气管. 生物学开放 7 (9): bio036848. DOI: 10.1242 /生物.036848.

肖勒*,., Y. 杨,P. 麦克布莱德,K. 欧文和L. 姜。. (2018). Tracheal expression of Osiris gene family in 果蝇. Gene Expression Patterns 28: 87-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.《韦德体育官方网站》.2018.03.001.

Iordanou * E., R. Chandran Y. 杨,M. Essak N. 黑石和L. 姜。. (2014). 的 novel Smad protein expansion regulates receptor tyrosine kinase pathway to control 果蝇 气管l tube size. Developmental Biology 393:93-108. DOI:  10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.06.016.

Chandran * R.R., E. Iordanou * C. Ajja, M. 威尔和L. 姜。. (2014). Gene expression profiling of 果蝇 气管l fusion cells. Gene Expression Patterns 15:112-23. DOI:  10.1016/j.《韦德体育官方网站》.2014.05.004.

长,年代.K., E. Fulkerson R. Breese G. 埃尔南德斯,C. 戴维斯,M.A. 梅尔顿,R.R. Chandran * N. 管家,我. 江和P. 埃斯蒂斯. (2014). A comparison of midline and 气管l gene regulation during 果蝇 发展. 《韦德体育官方网站》 9:e85518. DOI:  10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0085518.
